Learning How To Code In 5 Steps

I badly wanted to learn how to code for so long, but kept putting it off because I thought it was too hard, it would take years or perhaps a computer science degree, and there was so much contradictory information out there that I didn't even know where to start…

Rethinking Our Views On Transportation Deaths

Twice this year a Malaysian Aircraft has gone down, killing all the passengers and crew. All told we lost 510 people - a real tragedy. There has been intense media coverage of both downed flights, and understandably so: Each event had hundreds of people die at once. Death by plane…

Living Dayliberately

In the movie About Time, a young man learns that he is able to travel back in time. He uses this ability to relive his life, correct mistakes, and in general make better and bolder decisions. After reliving every day of his life for years he eventually stops because he…

Eight Observations About China

I was in China back in May on a trip to visit my brother, who was living in Xi'an at the time. Here are a few of my observations about my travels. 1. The smog is real There is no doubt that the environment in China is being destroyed by…

Coding is the Lingua Franca of Creation

In a previous post I argued that coding is not “the new literacy”. However, for anyone who is starting a software company, knowing how to code is about as essential as knowing how to read. Startups are at the heart of a modern day renaissance that is fundamentally changing the…


I turned 29 today. I've spent the last few weeks thinking about the popular notion that your 20's are for exploring, while your 30's are for settling down. At first, this is an unpleasant thought: my 20's are 90% over and I'm nowhere near done exploring or ready to settle…