5 Reasons Parcel Is My New Doorman

I needed to buy a microwave for my apartment, and since I buy pretty much everything on Amazon, naturally I shopped there. Since I don’t have a doorman in my apartment, I’ve had to make alternative arrangements when I ship things. I’ve had items shipped to my…

10 Thoughts About Selma

Last week I went to the movie theater to see Selma. I had heard a lot of buzz, but obviously didn’t pay too much attention since going into the movie I thought I would be watching an MLK biopic. The movie actually just focused on MLK’s efforts fighting…

3 Lessons Learned While Paying Off Technical Debt

For almost the past year, I’ve been part of a team at my company building a new web application. Because we’ve operated using agile methodology, we generally only do things very incrementally, building the smallest features or making the smallest adjustments one at a time. While there are…

Political Campaigns Should Be No More Than 90 Days Long

Today Texas Senator Ted Cruz announced he is running for President. He is the first major candidate to officially throw his hat in the ring for the 2016 Presidental election, which is 596 days away. The world is changing very fast, and having our political campaigns stretch on for nearly…

Kate Brown: Voting Rights Hero

I’ve long been a proponent of getting more people to participate in the electoral process. Although some of my preferred ways of achieving this outcome may be very bold, I welcome smaller steps that move us towards the goal nonetheless. That’s why I was so pleased when I…

Not Adjusting Time Zones While Traveling

Last week I was out in the Bay Area for a company summit. One of the senior members on my team, who travels extensively, gave me a travel tip that at first seemed odd and antithetical to everything I stand for. He suggested that for short business trips to places…