
Dreaming in APIs

APIs are in the midst of fundamentally remaking the way software works. Not too long ago each software program stood alone running on a computer without the ability to connect to the internet. Then the web came along and we were able to deliver rich applications right in the browser…

Learning How To Code In 5 Steps

I badly wanted to learn how to code for so long, but kept putting it off because I thought it was too hard, it would take years or perhaps a computer science degree, and there was so much contradictory information out there that I didn't even know where to start…

Coding is the Lingua Franca of Creation

In a previous post I argued that coding is not “the new literacy”. However, for anyone who is starting a software company, knowing how to code is about as essential as knowing how to read. Startups are at the heart of a modern day renaissance that is fundamentally changing the…

Coding Is Not The New Literacy

The idea that “coding is the new literacy” has been thrown around a lot over the last few years, and has almost become conventional wisdom at this point. While I think learning to code is an excellent life choice, I do not think that it rises to the same level…