Renting In NYC Is Broken

All good things eventually come to an end, and unfortunately my time living on a boat is one of them. I’ve started looking for an apartment again, and it is horrible. In fact it was because I had such a difficult experience last time that I ended up moving…

More Software Companies Should Offer Apprenticeships For Coding Bootcamp Grads

Here's how I envision it: Companies offer 3-month-long apprenticeships to new coding bootcamp grads. Companies pay the coding schools a 'referral fee', and each apprentice gets an $8,000 tuition refund for completing the internship. The environment is fully agile with daily stand-ups, pair programming, pull requests, code reviews, and…

Getting Back To Working Out After An Injury

I got injured last year doing a CrossFit workout. All of a sudden during a clean and jerk my right knee buckled, and started to hurt a lot. Luckily I didn't need surgery, but it's amazing how derailed I became in terms of exercise. Long story short I ended up…

Apple Pay Is The Biggest Thing Since The App Store

I've been watching apple events since I was in high school - back before mac's were cool. I was fascinated with things like the PowerBook, OS X, and most of all the G4 Cube. Over the years, watching WWDC and other events like the annual iPhone launch have become sort…

The World Trade Center Is Still Not Finished 13 Years Later

Every day I wake up and look out of my boat to the New York City skyline. It's truly a glorious view to behold, and I'm incredibly lucky to be where I am. But every time I look I'm always very bothered. 13 years ago today al-Qaeda launched an attack…

Snapping Out Of Idea Mode

The other week I came up a brilliant idea. I quickly became obsessed with it, and let myself go down the rabbit hole. I spent the first two days of my Labor Day weekend in a sort of manic state of euphoria, and the idea soon ballooned into a fantasy…