
I Signed My First Lease

Today I signed a lease on an apartment! I'll be living with my brother in a walk up apartment in Manhattan starting next week. This is the first time I've committed to living in a place for more than a month since college. It's a big move in my life…

Renting In NYC Is Broken

All good things eventually come to an end, and unfortunately my time living on a boat is one of them. I’ve started looking for an apartment again, and it is horrible. In fact it was because I had such a difficult experience last time that I ended up moving…

Renting An Apartment In NYC Sucks

By far the worst part of living in NYC is finding a place to rent. I’ve been through the leasing process twice, lived on airbnb and temporary places for about a year, and got so fed up with finding an apartment last year that I moved onto a boat…